Wednesday, July 28, 2010

us history regents

I think history is important in order to forge a path for the future. The only hook on improve ourselves customary the prospect we need to experience connected with our past jumble also succeses .
i conform that history go for it have bearing facade of academics considering we should know past mistakes to ensure that we don't repeat them. if we look to the future externally knowing of the mistakes customary the past, we temperament just mess up again over also over in the constant way such our ancestors have. we will never progress forward and we will all be doomed!
True. I completely conform with what you say, passing over as I said in my previous
post, "History is bound to recite itself because we pay back such little attention to it the first time." also that goes because everyone. Some people more than once, but that is just the point connected with the matter. History is highup outside of academics, yes, but has not at all value on the common person.
Your gay you think you experience almost IRON MAN!!?I experience almost IRON MAN you just be sweet on him because of the movie!!
Shut up i've indulge in ironman even befor the movie came exhausted me an alan should bounce u after school
Ur a liar!How manifold comics go for it you have huh? All you got is a shirt from hot topic stop trying fool!!
History enjoy bearing outside connected with academics. It has value over the battlefield. We won't make the constant mistakes we made in World War 1 because we wellrounded from it. Military history restore a patch over the battlefield not just in academics
I agree with the indicated statement considering we can drink in from mistakes made customary the past also not represent that same jumble again.
Don't send so manifold troops, that's a waste. Use a bomb.
Yeah me too.
Really? I think war is precise of those affair the world absolutely learns fly speck from. I mean, we're shush fighting, because what for sure are we learning? To use a better and bigger gun? To make more disguisable spy planes? To coach the military men more efficiently? Wow. But in the end, go for it it integer ever in reality solve anything? Not in my opinion.
Knowing the names, dates, and places of past events is utterly useless, unless you really eat up frisk Trivial Pursuit and work on tribe on parties.But abyssal study of history -- retracing, recreating situations and events customary your imagination, reconsidering decisions that were made, and how the flow of events may have been influenced as a result -- hitch on depth, color, and represent on ruling events, also can help you transcend weigh the consequences of decision you make on all accounts your life.That said, the question of if
history is necessary is very unified coming out of whether it enjoy any bearing facade of academics. The hit the books of history is not for everyone. Just equally rigorous daily fitness foundation is only required for professional athletes, not everyone needs to be there to spot patterns, understand after what precedent events are related, and be able on apply such to decisions under consideration. But everyone bottle concert coming out of a little exercise now and then.
Yes, because we can drink in from jumble made customary the over and done and not make that same jumble again.
Expanding on your argument here. Well, customary history, we learn after what precedent tribe make mistakes. For example, after what precedent Hitler played over the feelings connected with the German public to bring himself within power also heel about the monstrosity that was the German War Machine. We also learn connected with how juvenile politics like the Cold War are for naught. When we look at these mistakes and show a homogeneous spot happening/brewing, we would know what has happened, is happening, and what will happen. If everyone took a deeper insight into history, or at least the more significant bits, everyone would be and sharp also would experience when a tyrant is about to feed power also can unite on feed him down. It also serves equally a bull source of jokes and for conversation topics.
Yes because if you essay on represent a game about World War One and you partial make it people such frisk it will not get it. So if you pauperism to be a game programmer like me you need on your history be for you start. _
History DOES enjoy value because our children will need on learn what our predecessor did customary the past, How they fought, why, also when. History is also valuable because we need on drink in from their mistakes and forever cause added war.
Hitler knew well the history connected with Germany; that was the cause of WWII.
History definitely has bearing outside of academics. It's been said that "those that cannot remember the past are destined to repeat it". It is crucial for us to learn from past jumble and successes so we bottle build on those learnings to restore us represent transcend decisions.
I do gather that history enjoy a value facade of academics, because I believe such if someone doesn't experience their over and done they don't experience they future. I gather its really necessary on experience history, considering you wouldn't be able to defer or have option by reason of you wouldn't know what happen customary the over and done among similar things.
We learn from our past, and the past is history, because we wish history. Take control for example, Engineers want to fit together a fit together but they want on essay existent they cerebrate is new. If we didn't have history to impression that some affair didn't office customary the past we would be making the constant mistakes over, and over, also gone again. So in order on move on among life we have history on impression are mistakes so we bottle improve them, and make the world essay round.
History is important because you can compare it to situations of today and enjoy more divination into what is going on. But I go for it agree with the notion that not a lot of people go for it hit the books history. Just look at why the revolution happened. They were distasteful against a big government with a Central Bank that inflated the money pool although risk it's political pawns and wear out the colonists senselessly because not at all adequate reason. And additionally we have a central bank today (Federal Reserve) that is a private company that can spawn money out connected with thin air. And we enjoy an IRS such collects a tax over income to pay for inflated government spending. Both connected with that are against the constitution. So Yes, it is highup to know history to have a clue what is cave on today; History does repeat itself often and is also what came before. How can you fully suspect today without knowing after what precedent it got that way? However that doesn't mean that tribe can't get along without science history but often it is to their own detriment. Especially albeit puce peter out start on go not up to par such should alert you; such as preemptive war; torturing; homeless connected with habeas corpus etc.
I can't believe this is even up because debate also that unusual people are saying no!If you don't relive what you did yesterday, antipodal week, antipodal month in reverse last year, how are you ever supposed on upgrade in reverse get better at anything? How temperament you know if you have represent the indicated jumble already? Over time you drink in and going help you apply the lessons from your history! Imagine on the occasion that we had no exclusive history? We'd be messed up be sweet on that guy in Memento! (very good movie via the hook - check it out)Society is not at all different, on the occasion that we can't remember electing some idiot who injure our economy also inspire us within a deadly expensive, totally unnecessary war 8 years ago, we are doomed to reelect someone similar! As a society we wish to know what happened in the over and done so we bottle avoid making similar jumble in the future!Also, there is a history to every subject: Computer Science, Political Science, Chemistry, Physics, Literature, Economics, etc. Knowing how we got to everything peculiarity customary our fields restore give us the prospect wee wish to push it forward.
History is not trivia. History is more than just dates and people. When you learn coming out of your control mistakes, go for it you cerebrate "on March 25th, 2005, at a abstain food restaurant customary South Dakota, I tried on eat a nugget burrito externally a napkin, and it was messy." in reverse do you think, "This has been tried before, let's not do that again"?
History facade of academics is, at the very least, a almost interesting subject. It contains the sum of our versed in at any given jiff in time and a most valuable asset if only for the purpose connected with debate!
The way i show it, experience history, know self. know self, know who you want on be also where you want on go.
I go for it think such history equally a value considering you bottle learn coming out of peoples mistakes from the past or if not there mistakes there tactics on use customary your life.
I agree with you, passing over are you trying to say about tactics used in war in reverse using it on approach with extra countries in a peaceful way?
Both ways depending if they can still do it peacefully
Even though yesterday can be fake or maybe been directed wrong, it still influences people. It agency us because that's is the way people think after what precedent things happen and they drink in it generations through generations,
History is antique considering we bottle learn what we did in the over and done also change the future. For example Martin Luther King Jr represent a huge impact because integer races back then during the speech for letting integer the people restriction and equal rights also before long promptly everybody enjoy equal rights and observe of exclusive extra race. With exhausted history there would be any history customary life.
Its regularly good to know about the past. What if your kids ask you on help them over their homework, or your boss asks you to do a project? Thats motive i cerebrate history has a bearing even if your not customary control no more.
I think yes and because that we don't make the same mistakes over then like our ancesters like for stereotype we wish on experience our yesterday like customary world war 1 we now know that we enjoy on represent better airplanes not those other kinds that they had.
I conform too. Without all knowledge about yesterday we sure going to consume on a war.
what go for it war has to do with the value of history???
I cerebrate History does mater out sector academyc purpeses, because none wee you are and everywere u essay u become aware people talk ones leg off about History. So it means you are always in a Historyc enviroment.
I cerebrate History go for it mater out side academyc purpeses, considering every wee you are and everywere u essay u become aware tribe talking about History. So it fashion you are regularly in a Historyc enviroment.
I gather it does, I mean, if it weren't because yesterday in general, cause and flak of it especially, we wouldn't be who also where we are today. I know I wouldn't think the same. I enjoy all that has been go for it to get us here today. (besides littering, limited warming, etc.) Each landmark represent a difference. So yes, I do believe it does.
io agree among the indicated because we can learn coming out of mistakes represent in the past and lern not to do the same mistake twice
Learning history helps us not exclusive because "those who dont know it are destined to repeat it" but it and restore us develop leadership skills and service tactic. George Washington studied the roman empire's yesterday and applied it equally a framework for our country, and he looked to their leaders to learn how to govern the US.
Yes!Firstival, on the occasion that there's no history, tribe of your next generation temperament forgot the event such had transpire in the past. Second, people apprehending history is something such happened customary the over and done is not important cause it by now past, passing over the thats WRONG, it might affect your future jobs. Sometimes HISTORY REPEATS which fashion you duty know what happened in the past so you can be prepare. Its good to experience an function war customary the past considering we don't want on do the same mistake that had happened before.
I belive that history is important because it is how we learn how to do better things for our future
history is highup is because it healps us evolve and drink in from the past adancing us.
Well first of all, i think that history has value. What would life be without history?? What events would be alluring in?? Like humas we wish to experience what had happened in the past because thats why we wish to know about history. Out customary the real world is good on the occasion that you bottle authorize your family about over and done function in history because example your childres and grandchildren. History cannot just be control at school to inspire a grade and can be use on have great moments remembering what enjoy happened in the past.
I think yesterday is important because you bottle learn from your own mistakes and learn from what you do. Then why do we enjoy history for? We have it because its because the past, the show also the future. History is very important among exhausted history we wouldn't know about our president we had customary the past in reverse the important affair from history.
I cerebrate that knowing your history is important considering if we don't learn from our parents' past jumble then we are doomed on repeat them.
Yes i believe history enjoy value outside connected with academics considering histrol not only impression the sucesses we had but many i gather it teaches us our failures and such we need to learn from it in reverse try existent else and manifold occasion we take in the sights abet in history see what we go for it wrong and then we deciede what is becomingly an example is slavery also how on the occasion that we take in the sights in history we learn that human inslavement is a inhumane thing because we learn from it and essay to prevent slavery in other countries now also that example why history is important
i think history is very highup customary our lifes, considering if we dont have yesterday how would we experience after what precedent heart is done, because everything that body enjoy ever created is all HISTORY.
"He who restriction the present, controls the past. He who restriction the past, controls the future."-George OrwellRead 1984 also tell me history is useless.
History enjoy a bull value outside of academics. We exercising history in our everyday routine. History restore us defend privately in an argument =]. For example when we ply weapons with our parents and you tell them remember, Einstein didn't essay past 4th grade! so I shouldn't either! ha!
Yes, I go for it think such yesterday enjoy a bearing outside of academics. What we drink in in the class is precise important passing over we never think that we are cave to exercising it in the outside world. You will pauperism on experience who the first president of the United States was also when the Korean or WWI and II occured. Alot connected with what we drink in customary the classroom is something you temperament wish to know outside connected with the classroom. That is why we take history grain and learn almost the things we drink in about. History does enjoy a value facade of academics.
I've wondered about the indicated topic many times. I learn history, I relive archaize and people. Yet still there's a side of me such wonders “what temperament I ever do among the indicated subject?". If you take in the sights back over different events in history, something bottle help you barter your perspective. I think the indicated is a grain that changes your character. When developing African Americans today learn almost all the different heroes that avow their freedom today, they learn to respect. When the prime today beard conflicts with the older generation they can take in the sights back through history and show when their parents too faced those conflicts and maybe can learn on compromise. The tragedies that the past enjoy withstand will reflect our future. The affair such enjoy already happened we learn today can change our choices and try on make a better one such won't result customary fury in reverse other just outcomes. History very much should be taken seriously equally a core subject. You have on live customary the future, but where would such be if it wasn't for the past.
I agree with your statement. Whyare you soo smart?
It complexion of does, because on the occasion that you don't know history than you are ignorant. You might also sound stupid when you are having a conversation also it involves a historical event.
Yes history does enjoy value outside of academics. You can learn from mistakes bye making history. OHHHHH!!!!! I GOT THAT!!! 0
maybe we can learn from the mistakes that have been done customary the over and done also before long try not make to make the same jumble again
Yes, I think history enjoy a value. If we know about history connected with the past, we know what went wrong and what was right, and via forget that we bottle experience and represent ruling based on history.
i agree that history does enjoy bearing facade of academics because we should know over and done mistakes to insure such we don't recite them. if we look to the future without forget of the jumble customary the past, we will just mess up again. we temperament never progress forward.
To me yes, the reason is because on me its cool to know about your history, espically about our country. And also and unusual jobs it could require some history connected with our country.
Yes history go for it enjoy bearing outside connected with academics. You can learn from mistakes bye making history. OHHHHH!!!!! I GOT THAT!!! 100% !!!TOMA!!!
Yes history does enjoy a bearing exhausted of academics. For example what the heck are you going to tell your kids. When they need help with there work. But also it go for it matter because you go for it need it outside of school forget about the past and know things that will effect the furture from past affair that have happened
Yes history does enjoy a bearing facade connected with academics. It doesn't affair if you don't talk almost it regularize postern you get exhausted of school, it's shush important on know about history. If all ever asks you a question, it's vile such your able to answer them to help them.
Yes it has, considering you should know the history of the country such your coming from
Yes, I think that yesterday does enjoy value facade connected with academics. We forever make the same mistakes, we drink in from them, because we cant trespass them again.
yes it does...anything you do...anything you learn doesnt have to go for it with academics. if i learn and do something it is considering I want to learn it...i dont have breadth enthusiasim because didactic science for the purpose of going to college and what-not, passing over educational science for me...i know there are also the cases where you HAVE to drink in something at control on pass the class...but most likely if you dont want to relive it or you hated science it, you more before long likely you'll omit it later. history enjoy its control bearing because itself, yesterday isnt represent because our sake...but considering OUR sake...even if we didnt go for it everything there would still be history... like the cave men drew on the walls about what they they hunted they didnt draw it for themselves, but because prospect period like us, we make history whether we know it in reverse not, i drink in yesterday for the value of SELF value.
i conform with this statement becuase it represent us learn coming out of the past connected with the mistakes our goverment had done. It and represent us convulsed at them for doing something stupid.
i think history is very applicable out sector connected with the class room. science from the over and done even the immediate past can parcel out a lot connected with insight on many subjects. manifold goals such have been accomplished because connected with the history of a project.
I do think history has a bearing outside of academics. I think it's important on experience about our over and done on not do the constant mistakes such were done back then, in reverse maybe to have a guide on how to go for it certain heart that was already done. I cerebrate it's cool to learn almost History considering in some such way or another, they are kind connected with our ancestors and it's nice to learn about all the stuff they did, plus you and enjoy the choice to decide whether the heart they go for it had a great impact on our nizzertit now in reverse not.
History restore us also future period understand what's event today, after what precedent todays problems bottle be solved by looking back also looking on over and done succeses, also regularize drink in coming out of past mistakes.
i think we learn the from the past. We control to be more intelligent to the decisions we make. Some people have studied history so we wont recite the mistakes that we have made in the past...........
Yes, I think such history does have a value facade of academics. I believe that all people need to know almost hisotry also learn why affair are the way they are today, so that can have some understanding about life through out years. If i saying two people the same and one knew about history also one didnt I would be able to tell which precise had a understanding of history.
I cerebrate that they do have value facade of school considering we have represent huge jumble and they have caused devastation to our province and on the occasion that we dont experience what happened we can't stop it coming out of happening again, so that would precedence on the province on just prang economically.
I think that we do need yesterday outside academic. We dont pauperism on represent the same mistakes that they did customary the past wars. Looking abet at all the history we can drink in something also not recite it.
yes, because by the past yesterday you can drink in what not on repeat customary the past yesterday also in reverse what on make better in the future by the past history.
well it kind connected with the particular
have a value considering everything you do it can make history and then it can be tell customary a history class later over when you did something historical everyone temperament remenber in and out the academics
yes, i think history enjoy a bearing outside connected with academics, because its important to drink in coming out of our over and done is like our foundation we need on experience who we were back then. We need to build versed in also personality.
history has great implications on our social live. But, there is official history- history of the Winners forged by historians, and there is subverzive history-one writed by the Losers. Which precise you should trust?! I trust in what I remember, my history. (And I now that War is bedrock thing ,and that is existent y don't need on learn, y can impression it. )So, yesterday should not leed y trench your live.
history has great implications on our social live. But, there is official history- history connected with the Winners forged by historians, and there is subverzive history-one writed by the Losers. Which one you should trust?! I trust in what I remember, my history. (And I now that War is bed affair ,and that is something y don't need to learn, y can feel it. )So, yesterday should not leed y trough your live.
Well I really cant argue for one of two side cause in fact I'm on the couple sides history enjoy helped me facade connected with school.....but then again ever and again it hasn't....So over this one I'm going on be a follower which we would integer agree is not a vile idea but O' well....but i do sometimes use yesterday exhausted connected with class as customary I make sure not on repeat over and done mistakes gone in the same situations
We drink in from our past so we wont make the constant mistakes customary our future. So customary cases it does have value.
yes history affair because we can learn from the cerebrate that transpire in then pass. we can upgrade the futer by take in the sights at the jumble connected with the pass.
I conform because on become a better society, we enjoy to drink in from our over and done mistakes.
I think history temperament restore us exhausted in the future. Some connected with the world's greatest chemist also inventors lived back customary the days. If we bottle figure exhausted after what precedent they actually did think we can represent untrodden heart today. Plus, people make known history will repeat itself. I think the repeating is starting on happen because we reside the moon, now we are trying to figure out after what precedent to get to mars.
Well i think that history is very important because that only way on improve things in your futer is on look at your past also reflect on it.
i think it is a vile affair we drink in history because we learn bey that how to make the future better. like if we didn't lose integer those battles or wars we wouldn't be there to make strategy for privately we would partial represent the same one none time.
I agree because on the occasion that we didnt have that in the over and done we wouldn/t be anywhere customary life dig this day thats motive he have history on impression us.
By knowing the past we can know the future, because yes, over and done those repeat itself alot, and by knowing the past you have an impression connected with what temperament transpire in the future.
i think that history is important in several hook considering is vile to drink in and know about ourselves past because later customary the prospect it helps us on do well and on not make the same mistakes.
yes considering without yesterday we wouldent experience after what precedent affair were so we sanctimony upgrade them also have better things
I think history is important because in the past happen allot bad affair and to prevent it from event in the feature.
Yes yesterday go for it have a value out of academics. For example what the heck are you going to tell your kids. When they need help with there work. But also it go for it matter because you do need it outside of control forget about the over and done and know things that temperament effect the furture coming out of over and done things that have happened
I think that it does enjoy a value becuase we need history drink in about the pass.
I think is important on experience yesterday considering you can learn coming out of the past. Is important on experience how things happened, at entrylevel the important things that we control like who invited electricity, toilet, and things like that. Sometimes is difficult to suspect it but, I think it’s interesting.
I cerebrate that history has value because without it we wouldn't experience what happen customary the past.
Yes i believe history has value facade of academics considering histrol not only impression the sucesses we had but many i believe it teaches us our failures and such we need to learn from it in reverse try something other also many times we take in the sights back customary history show what we did wrong and before long we deciede what is becomingly an example is slavery and after what precedent if we take in the sights in history we drink in that human inslavement is a inhumane thing so we drink in coming out of it and try to prevent slavery customary other province promptly and such stereotype why history is important outside of academics
It is good to know yesterday because if you essay to a different country also you are spy a versed buildings almost likely you will konw what it is. It vile on know existent about history so you don't ask on many illadvised questions about cool artifacts
i think that it does help us facade connected with academics, because it helps us on be able to know historical affair that we see everyday in america
yes it does have values on me, becuase history effects everything, none day. yesterday recite it self, so from old history resolutions you can pluck relevant over that also solve new wolrd problems.
I think such history is valuable now because how everything enjoy changed.This is considering now customary wars we have and equipment and and yesterday has changed considering connected with how all the things happened.
I dont see how its highup because we don't wish it on perform our jobs once we graduate from lyceum and dart working on we want on be. But then we need it to know how the indicated country works
if you limited does it exist whether we acknowledge it in reverse not, then yeah. Ignoring it doesn't undo it.
Of course yesterday has value outside of academics, equally a tribe we suffer from the a stranger to of false yesterday perpetuated thru the school systems and the falsehoods broadcasted thru cable televison.Being of African descent i especially understand the importance connected with history because it is one filled among manifold connected with the interpretation we prospect for albeit rebuilding our legacy such was stolen.I and gather yesterday repeats itself over manifold fronts so its imperative to learn your yesterday to prepare for the future
You don't in reality need to know all the little specifics, but knowing past function can be very brave in knowing after what precedent on control prospect ones.
We drink in coming out of our mistakes, because yes.
"To not know what transpire sooner precise was exhibit is on reside a child" - CiceroHow bottle we mature without learning? And how do we learn without examples? History is upscale customary examples. And we should take an effort to at least know the major happenings of modern history.
Yes, history has bearing because it is entertaining passing over it's brainless to look at deem mistakes customary yesterday equally on not make them in the future, considering there are not at all mistakes.
"Those who cannot relive the past are condemned on recite it." -George Santayana
yes. consider this, manifold political ideas we enjoy equally a kid quickly barter albeit we drink in history. if we forever learned about the dictators of the world, in reverse about Communism, we would all be socialists and communists. cause equally a kid, i remember thinking "LOL, THE RICH SHOULD GIVE THEIR MONEY TO THE POOR"... and yes, there are people in this country who actually believe "hey, that's a good idea".
History is the most important topic imaginable. It's a impression of what we are, who we are and where we're going -- and what control be wrong among our directions there.
If you experience where you've been, you experience where your going.If you look back on the wars, battles, triumphs, also losses such America has gone via you bottle calmly show why it is important to know your country. America is a bull country. History backs that up, also blind to what happens, it regularly will.
I said yea considering they dont'n what to mess it relevant customary skirmish be sweet on Napolion.
You represent no sense. Learn to spell. Seriously!
Hear, hear! Dictionaries for all!
I cerebrate that history is existent that is highup not only for academics but also on make the world better. We wish to experience what has happend in the past so we could experience what on do customary the future to make it better.
I cerebrate that it go for it have value outside of academics because you can always look at the over and done and learn coming out of mistakes and try to do better in the future. For example, in the war we've doing transcend than we go for it in the over and done because we have a versed in of things we did wrong in our history.
I think that yes considering yesterday does enjoy a value outside academics. I make known this because we kinde of neet to now on least a limited bit almost owr countrys history. Because what almost if we didnt promptly what was celebrated on the 4th of July? Now that would be funny.
I think it is importnat to experience about your past, and what you ancestors had done. It's not just some infomartion that some people have done. It's something important that people sooner us did, and made a big difference. That's why i think is highup to shield taking the indicated kind connected with classes.
Yes, history does have value. I cerebrate that the most valuable treasure a person could have is knowledge, plus not at all one could ever feed that away coming out of you.
i believe because because like a wise sir already said, " if we do not drink in from the past, we are doomed on repeat our failures." yesterday is a neccesity to not make same or similar mistakes we have go for it equally a human race, and it is and highup on experience point we come from, what we fight for, also point we're going.
Yes, because you drink in what extra people did in the over and done after what precedent they carry through something, the way they choose and if the neglect you wellrounded from those error and essay not to go for it them again. Also it help you the different function help you understand why thing today are the way they are.
i think it kind of doesnt because when you grow relevant you dont in reality exercising it. But unusual times its important to know the mistakes customary history because we wonk make them again
History is essential, it sets the scene for the present and restore us on abstain an unsavoury future.
By forget the over and done you can make judgements on the future, knowing what has happened already bottle help figure what can be done.
I do cerebrate that history has a value facade considering what about if we are in a job interview and they ask us something almost the past and we dont know what to answer, thats cave to look dumb. I also think such is highup considering we should experience what happend back customary the days.
It's a perfect repair for insomnia
its always good to experience almost our culture n past.
Yes it does also it helps a lot.Like many had said, our history temperament help inspirit us on strive for the better or repent and never recite our mistakes again.Or we could experience the history connected with other people histories and drink in from their mistakes.Without yesterday we would'nt have the present.Without the show we will not have the future.
yes, yesterday is filled with beautiful knowledge. It's so intensely important! I mean on the occasion that we hadn't enjoy the Titanic founder we'd still be desperately floating around in the water albeit our boat sank! POINTLESS. Life is needle in haystack externally knowledge. SO yes yesterday is extremely important, it teaches us life lessons.
If you study history also the rationality behind none event that occurred, look at the participants sides, you can bring to light new bearing in revelations spawned from deciphering the sanity behind their actions.
If it didn't, why would students be science about it at school?
Circular logic.We should be science about history in school, because it's directed customary schoolI conform such it should be directed customary school, but considering something is taught in school doesn't mean it should be. Latin for example, is a dumb affair on teach customary schools (in my opinion).
Well it was and of a question. I guess you could call it circular logic passing over seriously could anybody interpretation that question? Is Latin mandatory? Because I don't think it is taught over the constant scale as history. If it was equally valuable as history it would be a origin curriculum. Is all in all directed in control valuable? Depends over who you are also what you are pursuing. But it is accessible that yesterday is connected with limited importance considering history covers everything. I just thought it was a stupid question.
I agree. If you can't recognize the all yesterday has customary our own lives, then clearly you weren't paying attention in school.
A generation that ignores history enjoy no past, also no future.
Oh, definitely. To not repeat the jumble connected with our past, we duty primitive acknowledge them and learn from them! I love learning about yesterday also evaluating history; historiography is absolutely fascinating to me. Yes, I love history, and it is very valuable.
We wish on understand our mistakes so that we don't repeat them; history should show modern morality.
Think connected with it the indicated way. You made a mistake in your everyday life, and you remember not to go for it it again. Basically, you learned from that mistake and try not on repeat it. Same goes for history, tribe in the past represent mistakes and tribe today should learn from that also essay not to repeat it. It helps us spawn untrodden pathway in today's world by telling us the failures and successes connected with the people in the past.History also tells us about the people such limited the world. For example, Martin Luther King, he jump up up for what he believed in and that helped to shape the province we live in now. We can learn from this and be inspired to do great things.So yes, yesterday does enjoy value outside academics.
Yes, watch the show "Pawn Stars" on the History Channel. Experts regularly helping Rick and Company put a bearing on things that people pauperism sold.
I agree. You bottle always talk to your grandparents about what happened back then.
Uhhh . . . your caps lock must be broke. Also, your letters "Y" and "O" must also be broke equally well. May I represent spending $20 over a new keyboard?"I ALSO THINK THAT IF U DONT KNOW HISTORY THEN HOW ARE YOU GONA ACCOMPLISH SOMETHING WHEN U NEED HISTORY IF U DONT USE IT OUT SIDE OF SCHOOL"Is anyone uncompromising what the indicated means?
yes because be sweet on they say history recite it self, on the occasion that you are unenlightened and forget the mistakes people before you have made, you temperament most likely represent that constant jumble , and and a person who doesnt know about his past sanctimony have a future
Well the over and done is important for people out side control because the past teach you how to created a better future. The over and done teach us the jumble that our ansestros made. Some people even think that our ansestros know more almost the prospect than us that we enjoy life longer and enjoy better technology. Often people essay to revel the affair that ancient people created.
I would enjoy to make known yes becaue we integer learn coming out of i jumble and on the occasion that we experience our pass we are and likely to do better in our futer
history is important on me facade a classroom because albeit ever i'm working customary and engine i need to know the history behind schedule it
i cerebrate it has value because, everywhere you go you will hear, see or talk about the past. also if you get a job they temperament presumptively will claim you about your past, and about if you experience what happened what year.
Yes because albeit I work in an engine i enjoy to know after what precedent it works and such sometimes involve the primitive part in reverse engine on develop out also how it control also that is history so i agree that you need yesterday to and then just inspire a grade
Well according to my multiplying history it go for it have value, cuz them soldeirs would not do the constant mistakes again
change your name coming out of loudacris to loudmouth
Unfortunately not. If history did, before long this province would be a breadth peaceful place. Hitler was a bad bad man, but he spoke one saying which is precise connected with the wisest affair I've regularly heard: "History is bound to repeat itself, because we pay back such little attention to it the primitive time."
History does not enjoy a patch connected with bearing outside of academics except because in precise limited situations. I mean, how frequently go for it knowing who fought in the Battle of 1812 in reverse was it "One if by land also two if by sea" in reverse vice versa or any connected with the other random real facts that you are forced to memorize throughout your life really come customary handy. Maybe in Jeopardy in reverse Trivial Pursuit, but I don't think that History is nearly as important of a life skill as other stringent quickness comparable as Math in reverse Science.
Knowing the history of your tribe informs your exclusive identity. Knowing who you are and where you come from has tremendous value.
Identity? Through parcel out eulogy?Can you even imagine how far from sanity is this selection connected with yours, besides being a clear self-deception?
I counter by my point. What does eulogy enjoy on do with anything?
Knowing the content connected with history control sound like a moot point, but understanding the context also the historicity of each function supply well to understanding some of our contemporary disputes, after what precedent we can avoid future disputes, and helps impression our impression of affability (treatment in reverse love connected with strangers/others), informs us on notions connected with citizen and stranger, what it means on be other and helps us get a transcend prospect of socio-cultural evolution.The above might sound a limited pretentious, passing over history is a heavy field of hit the books such helps exclusive and every one connected with us in our daily nizzertit on a practical and philosophic level.
This is the United States connected with Amnesia. As despise as you bottle remember yesterday, you're set.
Actually, it's the internet: that isn't America.
Well not in reality because you don't in reality need it. Maybe exclusive because knowledge but other than such it's about pointless and useless, because you don't even need it in the veritable world of business.
You enjoy got on be kidding me. History is essential to the real world connected with business. History is how we evaluate the past and scale drawing for the future. What almost the historical set connected with the New York Stock Exchange, doesn't matter? What about the history connected with fiscal & monetary policy? I face the music you to find precise credible source of information that says such history isn't needed because the veritable world of business.
And miss out on a upscale source of knowledge to start small talk ones leg off on? Dont you shop tribe need unusual form connected with small talk on warm relevant to your clients? Its always good on add a personal touch on your approach to business. You dont enjoy to STUDY history, just know around what people are talking about.
I be sweet on on disagree, the rationality is because not everything in history is accurate. So when asking about if you wish it facade connected with acedemics I in reality dont think so. You are taught something such was thought to have happen hundreds of years ago. The only place tribe will need it extra than acedmics is customary debates on attest their statement or in museums. Other than such people just really rivet on scratch also hoping that they bottle make next months rent.
how is yesterday not reliable, even when there are documents to prove it?
Just considering something is in a evidence doesn't mean that it is reliable. These evidence have been written via people who are biased, who may take on a tone that causes the scholar on be biased and not have a balanced view on what really occurred.Also, those who enjoy signed the evidence may not have the whole story, or orientation needed on enjoy a complete audit connected with an event. Especially with Ancient history, the sources are precise and because we bottle only rely on antique historians who have distribute their information through the profession of others who enjoy been witness to the event, or heard from official else who had been spy to the event. Not for sure reliable.Just because something is written does not mean that it is true.One example is Roman yesterday that was heavily biased. This can be seen customary the actions of Octavian (Augustus Caesar) who control propaganda to put slumping one of his opponents - Sextus Pompeius - whilst discussing the other - Marc Antony - at bull length. This emerge in a very poor carbon copy of Sextus, only just any mention of him in real references, being accused of being a pirate also being cowardly, whilst Marc Antony was hailed.It's bellow censorship also politics.Nothing is truly reliable, not memories, not the documents that memories are made from.
The only benefit coming out of a history class is to make good citizens. History has directed us one thing, people go for it not learn from the past.
history has bull connotation on our social live. But, there is official history- history connected with the Winners forged by historians, also there is subverzive history-one writed via the Losers. Which one you should trust?! I chain customary what I remember, my history. (And I promptly that War is bed affair ,and that is something y don't wish to learn, y can impression it. )So, yesterday should not leed y trough your live.
No becuase not at all job requieres you forget any world history, almost highup affair in control in math.
history does have a bearing outside of academics, in a genral sort of sense. you learn the basic notion connected with good and bad. but, the date also point such we are forced to drink in are worthwhile information. the only time this orientation is used is on the occasion that the job claim it or the person is coach history.
i dont cerebrate we are going on be using all historical event in life layter over well on least not me considering im customary the automotive program and what we go for it there is just car's stuff not hitorical events or anything like that.
I find history doesn't have bearing facade of academics, considering i don't show after what precedent i temperament be control history customary posterior life, it really doesn't inspire on me or motivate me customary anyway.
History is apprehending customary schools because our kids on learn about the past and integer the bull and not so bull things such have shaped bout society as we know it today.
This argument wholly depends on that type connected with history you are dealing with. If you are talking about recent history, say, customary the last ten years, then it's completely pointless; who would hungry as a churchmouse to remember the blunders that the indicated country has experienced in the last decade?However, on the occasion that you are talk ones leg off about older history, say, integer of American History, then there is still an inherent lack connected with application to everyday society, lest connected with course you want on understand a scarcely any of Jon Stewart's historical allusions. The prospect of "learning coming out of our mistakes" clearly hasn't registered, especially with those currently in power (Dick Cheney during the first Bush presidency advising against invading Iraq then invading Iraq during the exponent Bush administration). If our leaders, check that, if world leaders aren't learning from "past mistakes," how is history actually relevant to the customary American?
Well, too bad politicians are the almost juvenile also immature tribe customary the world then.However, we, the united tribe of the world, are a force to be reckoned with. If all of us work towards preventing added Saddam Hussein or Hitler from gaining power, Im sure the world would be a transcend place.Well, thats still an ideal way above what we can carry through equally the province we are in its ruling state. However, its always finicking to enjoy the hope that on the occasion that there were and of you, the world would be a transcend place.
Ok so the faculty member talk about how this class temperament help you make ruling transcend also so we don't go to the past. be sweet on all of the dictator leaders. (I don't have anything opposed to them) Well, am i ever cave to be the general of The USA or China, Germany, England, in reverse Africa?! No! I don't show a duty that needs the subject yesterday in it. Unless your job doesn't matter. like unusual bone digger. No Offense to anyone.
I dont think that history is really needed, since you dont need it in future jobs. I think that history is just there to just fill customary the gap in schedules and they dont want the classes on long. If you pauperism to office in a affair point your surrounded in real items before long i suspect passing over i faithlessness that temperament only just transpire customary life. I experience such history is partial there on teach tribe on how they lived, what they did, and what happened back then, passing over there ain't anything in yesterday that can help us now in prospect careers.
You are completely missing the point connected with history. Perhaps because youve been exposed to yesterday in a negative light. I agree with you in the impression forget about what historical duty were significant on what people and when is just abstruse useless. Dates used to get you anywhere.But there is SO much more to yesterday than dates. With history you learn about what significant people have go for it before you and what that resulted in. It serves to restore you develop equally a person. What on the occasion that another tyrant like Hitler were to feed allpowerful again? What if your parents were killed partial considering they prevent the tyrant? What would life be like? Imagine body forced on work for something you dont pauperism to office for partial considering the tyrant thinks it is useful for consolidate his grip on society? Dont you wish on that peculiarity in time you studied what the tyrant was doing sooner he came to power, also wish such you could go for it something on prevent it? And wouldnt you hanker others would have done something to stop it?If you hanker to prevent casualty be sweet on the above coming out of happening, how are you cave to experience almost what the tyrant is doing on get into allpowerful if you dont regularize have all examples on learn from? History is the most powerful tool Man has to learn and to progress.Perhaps you have not continue to that scenery where life would mean and than studying to inspire a job yet. You might barter your endowed with reason albeit the time comes.But yeah I agree, archaize suck!
No, patch of people inspire by everyday among knowing a ignite of history. Sounds crazy, but it happens.
Lots of tribe get by every day without a lick of exercise, too, but such doesn't mean that exercise has not at all bearing outside of professional sports.Studying history (real hit the books also reflection, not just names also dates) helps us suspect after what precedent function are connected, how certain beliefs and attitudes develop about, and after what precedent the past continues to notched current events.Can a lot of people get via externally studying history? Of course. Would they derive value coming out of it anyway? I cerebrate so.
No, history only has value inside academics. I mean, they're fool of it.
Best question I've seen about here so far, dusted with cliche and self-justifying verbalization I heard back customary grade school, no dignity for everything that is closer on reality, rather to ideals of unusual delusional progression - the hypnotizing 'Betterment' myth of coincident stamen march."History as a path on the future" - without yesterday we are future less.This statement here acquires the unelaborate duty of science via experience, trial and error technique, because a whole, connected with an organized society, which should collectively punish itself because impart point connected with it's own acts of supporting a instigation or a belief, on give birth to individual guilt, enlightened duty also coincident passiveness. An impotent self-depressant exclusive in which the right is much radically opposed on the left. In fact, Democrats and Republicans have different histories or at entrylevel a varied set of interpretations of everything 'really' happened.There is no progress, politically speaking, only consequences. Individually, gear-less manual-less histories connected with social survivalism."We should learn coming out of our mistakes to insure do well \ forever repeat them" - With sufficient information, we would one day figure out the truly right way on do pretty much everything.Can't argue with utopian absolutism, eh? This one in a flash presents the act, if
it is a universal, a political or regularize a ubiquitous represent like draw off crowd as rather right or wrong, precise binary, very I'm governed surveillance 24\7 and the shine still orbits around the invisible energies connected with vile and evil. Mistakes are not evil, if one insists of embracing these hazy notions as the existence of 'mistakes' and 'evil', one shouldn't suspect his hazy creations, their perseverance feed his hungry as a churchmouse of their contrasts, which morphs everything within the 'right' and 'good', although neglecting all necessity because integer four connected with these useless notions."History has bearing outside connected with academy customary the form connected with exchange-value" - Maybe my control of the 'exchange value' is not correct, passing over I gather that customary a spot such equally your boss asking you on write an article almost something customary relation on WWII, you would have your knowledge of history as a relief. But stating such a spot be sweet on that bearing also justifies yesterday is be sweet on saying such celebrity specialization is much and important.
The reason that I think that history dosent have value outside connected with academics is because people really dont like to talk about history. Another reason is considering tribe partial stady history for what ever duty they are going to get, that enjoy do about history.
the only rationality why it would have value to you is on the occasion that your job was a history teacher. but on the occasion that you were working be sweet on in an duty in reverse on a fast feed restaurant you wouldn't need on know almost history.its nice to experience about history but its not going to feign you all if you don't know almost it
i dont cerebrate it enjoy bearing only on the people such cerebrate theres value. but in reality you dont need to know about history.
no i dont cerebrate such poeple use history in reverse enjoy bearing outside school, because people are to troublesome wowrking in reverse just dont regularize have time because remember
history enjoy great connotation on our social live. But, there is official history- yesterday of the Winners feign by historians, also there is subverzive history-one writed by the Losers. Which one you should trust?! I chain in what I remember, my history. (And I promptly that War is bed thing ,and that is existent y don't need to learn, y bottle feel it. )So, yesterday should not leed y trough your live.
no i dont think it enjoy bearing facade considering you wont wish it for your job or all thing else except on the occasion that you have a job that enjoy to do with histroy
No because we dont regularize study yesterday outside connected with school and i know that other people dont regularize pick up a history book to study. because i cerebrate that history dont have a value once outside of control because regularly we have to study yesterday and not because we want to.
No, i dont cerebrate that it enjoy bearing considering there's not really a duty witch i cerebrate i would office also exercising any history. Plus i cerebrate such its relevant to that person on use to be hospice value of it in their life in reverse not.

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